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The Insurance Revolution Christmas Drink Driving Survey 2014

Christmas decorations

We recently commissioned a survey of 2,000 drivers in the UK to find out about their perceptions of drunk driving, their knowledge of the law and whether they’ve drunk and driven (particularly at Christmas) in the past. We received some incredibly honest answers from our anonymous panel of 2,000 drivers (acquired through the OnePoll Panel).

Here are some of the headline findings from the UK panel:

  • 1 in 5 Brits admits they are likely to drink drive this Christmas
  • Men are more likely than women to end up behind the wheel after one too many (with 1 in 4 men and 1 in 7 women admitting to it)
  • 55.1% of Brits know someone who has driven over the limit during the Christmas period, yet 63% of these people say the individual was not caught
  • 62.1% of Brits think the drink driving limit should be 0

Worryingly (and looking at data from those living in England only), there’s an apparent lack of knowledge about the drink-driving limit in England. Of the 1,617 drivers in England we surveyed, 65.65% admit that they do not know what the legal drink-driving limit in England is.

Mark Rigby believes the survey findings highlight several discussion points.

He said: “The panel was incredibly honest, highlighting some key points.

“Of course, at this time of year, we’ll all be very concerned that 1 in 5 intends to drink drive at Christmas.

“But I think what is equally concerning is the sheer proportion of people who do not know what the legal drink driving limit is.

“It shows that there is a clear lack of understanding and very little clarity for drivers. It’s something that needs addressing.”

For further information about the data or any additional comments, please contact:

Rebecca Dollman (0330 808 1500)