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Courier Blog Series: White Van Drivers Targeted By Fraudulent Insurance Claims

Work van driving on a quiet road

White van men are being warned to be vigilant this year after reports that they are increasingly being targeted by crash-for-cash-fraud rings. In 2014, reports by APU, an anti-fraud firm, found that light commercial vehicles were involved inaround a third of all deliberate collisions.

The number of these incidents is at record levels and shows that these criminal gangs are targeting professional vehicles. In the UK, more than 3.7 million people drive LCVs and with almost 70,000 – one in seven personal injury claims – thought to be part of scams, it’s important to know the dangers.

This type of fraud is believed to cost every policyholder as much as £50 on their premiums every year. Not only is it a financial crime, but it also puts lives in danger. Research from the Insurance Fraud Bureau suggests that this problem costs £392 million every year.

Why do people target LCV drivers?

It is believed that ‘white van drivers’ are targeted due to the fact they are more likely to be fully insured and less likely to dispute any liability. As gangs get more sophisticated, it is evident that they are using sound logic to target their victims, and they are banking on the fact that LCV drivers are restricted by time and are more likely to exchange details without questioning.

How do I avoid this problem?

As 17% of induced accidents involve people who have previously committed fraud, it is clear that being vigilant when driving is imperative. This is easier said than done, but following the standard rules and maintaining concentration are the main points in battling this problem.

What should I do when I have an incident?

Many people with company cars or who drive many miles have begun installing cameras in their vehicles to protect themselves from this problem. These offer good protection, but there are other points to consider.

If you believe that you have been a victim, you should never take liability. While trying not to challenge the other driver directly, take plenty of notes to describe the scene, what happened, and what was said in the aftermath.

Similarly, take discreet photos of the scene, the damage to each vehicle, and the number of occupants in the other car. After that, check to see if any independent witnesses are available, although sometimes these are planted, so insist on reporting to the police to see if this disturbs the fraudster. Finally, make sure you report the incident and your suspicions to the insurer and the Insurance Fraud Bureau.

How can we stop ‘crash for cash’ fraud?

The rapid growth of this problem is a concern for van and courier insurance providers and motorists alike, as it puts people at serious risk. It is harder to know what to do to lower the number of these fraudsters, but many feel that it is time to punish this crime more severely. Figures from Aviva research suggest that 87% of the public believe custodial sentences are the answer.

Ensure you have the right van or courier insurance policy

With there being so many fraudsters currently targeting van drivers, it’s important to ensure that you have a courier insurance policy that suits your needs.

Whether you need self employed courier insurance to protect your own business or you need courier insurance to protect you and your team, you can request a courier insurance policy from Insurance Revolution. To request a quote, simply complete our online form or call a member of our courier insurance team on 0330 808 1119.