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What Should I Do If I’m Hit By An Uninsured Driver?

Parked driver looking frustrated with his head in his hands

Although the number of uninsured drivers in Britain has dropped, around 1.2 million are still on our roads, which has a detrimental impact on the cost of car insurance for everyone else.

But worse still, if you are hit by an uninsured driver, knowing where to claim for damage or personal injury can be very confusing.

As such, Insurance Revolution has put together this handy summary of what you can do to protect yourself if an uninsured driver hits you.

 If you have comprehensive cover:

If you have comprehensive insurance coverage, it is advisable to claim through your own insurer rather than the Motor Insurance Bureau (more on them later).

Unfortunately, this is likely to impact your no-claims bonus, but it is the quickest and most effective way of getting you back on the road.

If you have third-party only cover:

If you have only third-party cover, you should contact the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB).

The MIB is an organisation that helps innocent people who are uninsured and sometimes untraceable drivers have hit. It is funded through insurance premiums paid by all motorists.

As long as you are legally insured, the MIB will compensate you for any property damage or personal injury if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver.

The MIB can also help people with comprehensive cover, but MIB investigations tend to be long and time-consuming, so they advise people with comprehensive cover to go through their own insurance if possible.

If you have comprehensive cover and you lose your no-claims discount after being hit by an uninsured driver, you can file a claim with the MIB.

What should I do at the scene of an accident?

  • Take note of the make, model and registration of the other driver’s vehicle.
  • Take note of the other driver’s name and address.
  • Take photos and notes of as much as you can about the accident scene, including road markings, weather conditions, and whether or not the other car had lights on.
  • Take note of the street name.
  • Take note of the speed at which you were travelling.
  • Take note of damage to your vehicle and injuries to anyone involved.
  • Take note of the direction of travel.