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What Does SORN Mean?

Crashed car remains

SORN are letters you may see on your vehicle log book or even read about regularly but still have no idea what they mean. SORN stands for Statutory Off-Road Notification, and it’s used to tell the DVLA that your car isn’t parked or being used on public roads.

If you have a vehicle that you are using on private land and it is not used on a public road, then you can have it declared SORN, which means you don’t have to buy a tax disc for it. When it comes to refuelling, you won’t just be able to take your vehicle down to the local petrol station, though, so you need to think carefully before you declare your vehicle as being SORN.

SORN is helpful if your vehicle is undrivable and you are keeping it in a garage or you are going out of the country for a few months, and your vehicle will be off the road. This can save drivers a lot of money in road tax. In order for SORN to be valid, your vehicle must be in and remain in Great Britain.

SORN is only valid until the vehicle is taxed, scrapped, sold, or permanently exported from the UK.