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What Is Careless Driving?

Man texting on his phone while driving

A careless driving conviction is issued when a person’s driving is deemed to be below the expected standard of a reasonable and competent driver. A person can be charged with careless driving when an incident occurs due to a deliberate act, as well as an act of negligence.

Examples of careless driving include reading a map and driving too close to another vehicle, as well as more serious offences, such as causing death while unfit to drive with drugs.

The following endorsement codes relate to careless driving offences:

  • CD10 – Driving without due care and attention.
  • CD20 – Driving without reasonable consideration for other road users.
  • CD30 – Driving without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other road users.

Codes CD10 to CD30 will remain on your licence for four years from the date of the offence, and you will be issued between three and nine penalty points, depending on the offence. You must tell your insurer about any convictions you have for five years from the date of conviction.

  • CD40 – Causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink.
  • CD50 – Causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs.
  • CD60 – Causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit.
  • CD70 – Causing death by careless driving and then failing to supply a specimen for alcohol analysis.

Codes CD40 to CD70 will remain on your licence for 11 years from the date of conviction, and you will be issued with between three and 11 penalty points. You must tell your insurer for at least five years from the date of conviction.

If you have a careless driving conviction or require more information, visit our Convicted Driver Insurance page.