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Van Insurance Demystified: A Two-Minute Guide to Smart Coverage Choices

Work van driving on a quiet road

So, you’ve got to get the van insured. There are so many options to consider and too many websites to look at, and it all feels a bit overwhelming and expensive. This two-minute read will help you navigate those dreaded forms, see through the jargon, and find the right policy for you. It might even save you from any nasty surprises further down the line if the worst happens and you need to make a claim.

15 Things To Consider Before Diving Into Van Insurance

Consider the level of van insurance you need

Firstly, don’t make the mistake of omitting additional cover levels or information to save money. Insurance is one of those things you hope you’ll never need, but if you do, you will regret not taking out the right policy.

Keep an eye out for any overlooked van policy details

When it comes to Van Insurance, it’s not just about the obvious things like coverage limits or premium costs. There are several less obvious yet crucial factors you need to keep an eye on.

Do you need goods in transit coverage for your courier van insurance policy?

Are you transporting products? Look out for ‘Goods in Transit’—this is especially important if your van doubles as your business vehicle. You might be carrying valuable items or equipment, so make sure your courier van insurance policy provides the correct level of cover. If not, and something happens, you could be looking at a significant financial setback.

Do you need personal, business, or courier van insurance?

Do you plan to use the van for both business and leisure? If yes, ensure your policy doesn’t restrict the van strictly to business use. You don’t want to find out too late that your weekend trip isn’t covered.

Consider the policy excess when buying courier insurance for vans

Pay particular attention to the Policy Excess: This is the amount you’ll pay if your vehicle needs to be repaired following an accident. A higher excess might reduce your premiums, but it also means more expense during a claim. Balance is key here.

Does your van insurance policy include legal cover?

If you’re ever in a dispute or facing a claim against you, legal cover can be a lifesaver in handling legal costs. It’s one of those things you don’t think you need until you really do. This is the reason why we are obligated to include this within the price you pay for your van insurance.

Does your personal or courier van insurance policy include breakdown cover?

If your van is essential for your work, breakdown cover isn’t just nice to have; it’s essential. The faster you’re back on the road, the better for your business.

Which additional products does your van insurance policy include?

Ever had a chipped or cracked windscreen? Then you know how costly they can be to repair or replace. Check if your policy covers this.

Don’t forget about your no-claims bonus

Understand how your insurer handles no-claims bonuses. Can you transfer it? Is it protected? This can affect your van insurance premiums in the long run.

Do you need a courier fleet van insurance policy or any driver cover?

Look out for ‘Driver Restrictions’. If someone else might drive your van occasionally, check if they’re covered. Age and experience restrictions are common in many policies. The same applies if you have a fleet of vans. Ensuring that the drivers of your fleet are covered will help you dodge hiccups in the long run.

Are you allowed to drive your van overseas?

For those international trips, make sure your van is covered overseas. Not all policies automatically include international coverage.

Be mindful of any modifications you make to your work or personal van

If your van has been or will be modified in any way, such as including a tool rack or refrigeration unit, this needs to be disclosed. Failing to do so can invalidate your policy or lead to a claim not being covered. Don’t think you’ll get away with it because you’ll have wasted your money on a policy that doesn’t cover you when a claim needs to be made.

Do you have a specific van insurance delivery drivers policy?

Choosing the right insurance for delivering Amazon parcels is like ensuring a safety net for both drivers and the precious cargo they carry. With Hire and Reward coverage, it’s not just about protecting the van; it’s about acknowledging the hard work of couriers and making sure they have the right policy for the van courier service they provide.

Remember that not all van insurance providers have the same terms

With Insurance Revolution, we can use the No Claims Bonus introductory discount from your other vehicles to lower the price. However, be aware that this may not be the case with all insurers.

What does your personal or courier van insurance need to cover?

Remember, the cheapest policy isn’t always the best. Consider what you really need from your van insurance. A little bit of extra time to find the most appropriate level of personal or courier insurance for vans can prevent a whole world of hassle and expense down the line. Stay informed, choose wisely, and drive safely!

Request a work van or courier van insurance quote from a dedicated member of the Insurance Revolution team today!